"Copperfronts Looking down Prince St - North End" (20"X16", Oil on Canvas, $650)
This is one of the views of Prince St. showing a good portion of the massive brick-and-copperfront building that dominates the street. There are two more narrow copper columns to the right of the wide column that anchors the painting, terminating with Dino's Diner and continuing around the corner part way up Salem St. (see some of my earlier posts).
The Cable TV wiring hangs limp from window to window and reminds me of the hanging laundry lines that are all over apartment buildings in Rome and throughout Italy. The "Roma" flag hanging from the window makes the point further for me.
The wide-open windows shown all over tell you it's summer, and like in other views of this building, the actual "light" in the painting comes from the sunlit facades across the narrow street, reflected in the shaded windows seen here. The decorative brickwork makes for cockeyed saw-tooth patterns on the glass. The other clue to the time of year are all the air conditioners sitting on the sills, waiting for the days when the windows need to be shut to keep out the stifling heat.
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