"Five North Square in Winter - North End" (20"X16", Oil Painting, SOLD)
This painting is a sale I made on Christmas Eve, 2009. I sold it to the new owners of the restaurant in the background, now Gennaro's Five North Square, named after their son. I still have to make some changes to the painting, namely to put in the new paint job on the lower part of the bay window columns and the new brown awnings that match the re-finished exterior woodwork. I look forward to making the changes, since the place looks better now and I like the idea of customizing works of art to suit the buyer.
My friend Sandro, who lives at 1 North Square (a sliver of which is visible on the right) is seen looking up at the restaurant. I always want to add people to my 'architectural paintings' since they add scale and humanity to an otherwise potentially static work. He actually just happened to walk out of his place when I was there, about to shoot. He saw me, looked up to his right to see what I was framing up and I took the photo that became this painting. "That looks like a good shot" was his remark, not knowing that he was in it.
I made Christmas cards from this image and they were very popular this year. I'll re-shoot the painting after I make the changes, including the Christmas wreaths and lights all over the ground level. I feel another Christmas card coming for next year!
There's another image of this restaurant in a horizontal format that I painted in Autumn. It appears in an earlier post on this blog.
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