"Three Lined up for the Evening - Boston Harbor" (14"X18", Oil on Canvas, SOLD)
This painting was done at the Boston Sailing Center, from the gangway that brings the sailors to their slips. No water taxi required for these premium spots. It's evening - the 'golden hour' - and the effect of the setting sun is keenly felt on these three boats. The pink light and pale blue shadows here apparently reminded someone who came to see my work at the Boston Arts Festival of some good times they'd had on a boat just like these. He couldn't stop looking at it. After he and his daughter had left, she came back to quickly buy it from me before her father could know what was going on. I wrapped it up for her to pick up later, which she did at the end of the day. I wonder what his reaction was when she surprised him with it at home. I like to think the memories of his pleasure-sailing days came flooding back again, along with the gratitude he must have felt at being given the gift of such a tangible token of those times.
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