"Sailboats Lined up for the Evening - Boston Harbor" (12"X16", Oil on Canvas, $450)
This is a small painting done at the same time of year as the others: summer. I liked the way the Boston Sailing Center has all the training boats used for teaching prospective sailors moored in rows, rather like a parking lot. It strikes me as a calm painting, with the mood of working vessels having done their duty for the day, sort of like all the floor models of TVs lined up against the wall in an electronics store once they've been turned off for the night.
The same peachy color of the setting sun on the normally white hulls of the various trainers reflects orange in the water, as it does in some of the previous posts on this blog. The only ones that don't seem to reflect are the blue and teal hulls, which I suppose disappear in the ocean surface like a polar bear reflecting onto a surface of snow.
East Boston makes another appearance in the background of this composition, as does the random reddish and orange puffy cloud overhead. The control tower at Logan Airport is seen as the strange two-legged building about three-quarters of the way over to the right. It's definitely the most distinctive building element of the far horizon.
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