"Nude Summer, Standing with Red Portfolios" (20"X16", Oil on Canvas, $550)
This model was named Summer, as the title of the painting suggests. It was a one session pose, so I was quite pleased to get the results that I did. She was very good as a model, having pretty red hair and a nice figure and posture. She stood against the bin where the drawing students kept their red portfolios, so I added them in as a complement to her red hair and pink skin. Once again I was lucky to have a spot where the lit side was closer to me, and therefore the viewer, to add to the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface.
I like the little abstract shape of light that appears at her elbow and completes the curve of her back. If it weren't there, she'd probably look rather boxy instead of rather serpentine. I also like the loosely expressed hair and her face, which shows her eyes at half mast. She looks a little tired, and I suppose she was, after a long day at work and having to come to a studio to model for the extra cash. If you ever find yourself in a painting situation with a tired model, remember to suggest a standing pose, because otherwise the model will begin to nod off if they're seated or reclining and the time will not have been worthwhile for anybody.