"Posing Like David in Life Painting Class" (20"X16", Oil on Canvas, $400)
Michelangelo's sculpture of David was the model's inspiration for this pose that he took in Life Painting Class. He held his robe over his shoulder rather than a sling, but his pose is quite recognizable and memorable. This was a two-week pose and I also took it home to work on it further.
I feel I did pretty well with this one, but I'd like to do it again, as with most of my figure painting. Not even so much because I want to do it better, but just because I fond it so inspiring that I want to try. I truly enjoy rendering the human figure and I'd always prefer to start another painting, since I know that it's easy to make a painting look overworked. I'd much rather just start another after working on it for a maximum of two sessions if I'm not completely satisfied.
This model has stayed on the Boston modeling scene since this was painted and he still makes regular appearances at the Museum of Fine Arts for the open drawing group that they have in the galleries. He keeps his pants on at those, that's for darn sure.
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