"Miranda, Sitting on the Model Stand with a Black Shawl" (18"X14", Oil on Canvas, $300)
This was done in Dave Penna's class, which I've mentioned in these pages before as being my favorite place to paint nudes. This set up was a little different from some of the others that we had, in that Dave placed Miranda (the name of this one-time model) in the middle of the room and we all placed our easels around her, rather than having the model against the wall and all the artists in a semi-circle. Maybe Miranda felt a little self-conscious with the arrangement, because she felt compelled to have her black shawl/scarf over her lap. Like I say, she was a one-time model.
It's always a good idea to accommodate the model, if they have a good attitude about posing, since they're the ones taking their clothes off. She was certainly nice enough about it, but a little shy. I think I was able to show a little of her demureness in this painting.
One thing I'd like people to notice is the transition into shadow on her torso. See how the details of the contours of her stomach are lost as they fall away from the viewer? That's intentional, to force the effect of distance and perspective. It's also intentional that I chose a spot where I could have the lit side of the model closer to me so as to force the same principle, as mentioned in an earlier post.
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