"Peter and Maka, Just Married" (11"X14", Oil on Canvas, SOLD)
This was actually a commission from a member of the wedding party who was a good friend of the bride. The client sent me a photo from the event and I started in with the under-painting. I had to put in the hand on the left, since there was a big ball of flowers there that Maka was holding in the original shot. It looked like a third head in the composition. I'm quite proud of how that foreshortened hand came out.
The photo was a good one, taken under natural outdoor light with a backdrop of lovely green plants and dark trees above. The expressions were faithfully recorded with my paints, but I did perform a slight chinoplasty on Peter, since he had quite a lot of extra flesh under his chin. I was glad with how that came out as well.
This painting looks pretty good to me now, seeing it later. There's things that I'd do differently, now that I've learned a little more as an artist, but for where I was then, I'm happy with the results and I look forward to doing more paintings like this.
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